Keyboard Tutorial

Keyboard Tutorial - The escape key is on the far left of the top row of your keyboard.

There really is an 'Escape' key on your keyboard!
Not only will you learn the function of each and every key on your keyboard, I will teach you, step-by-step many other little tricks.
First in this tutorial I will show you, step-by-step how to open a document in Microsoft Word.
Next you will learn how to insert a table, and how the tab key works.
What else? I will teach you in this practical lesson the value of the backspace key - oh boy! You will be surprised how often you need to use that one (smile). Then you will learn how to do capital letters, lower case letters, how to go to the next line etc.
There is just so much information contained in this keyboard tutorial! This lesson is a must for your library.
So don't forget to print the lesson and file it in your computer tutorial library. Click below to download it.

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